‘From The Belly’ Exclusive Cover Reveal: Cosmic Aquatic Horrors Await

If you love aquatic horror, then Tenebrous Press has the perfect upcoming release. Coming soon from Emmett Nahil is his debut novel, From The Belly, a mix of aquatic and cosmic horror that takes place on a whaling vessel. Spooky ships?? Cosmic strangers?? Sign us up!
Read the full synopsis below:
The whaling vessel Merciful has just made its strangest catch yet: a massive whale containing a still-living man secreted within its stomach lining. Sailor Isaiah Chase is tasked with keeping the enigmatic man alive. As their relationship grows, a series of accidents, injuries, and deaths quickly befall the ship and its crew. Isaiah is plagued by strangely prophetic dreams, even as the crew continues their endless quest for whale oil under the command of an increasingly unhinged captain.
As events spiral further out of control, the mysterious man confesses what Isaiah has begun to suspect: the crew of The Merciful has fallen into a cycle of punishment for their greed and destruction. Isaiah must confront the sea’s vengeance made flesh, and choose between this new, strange love and the fate of the ship itself.
Now check out the incredible cover, designed by artist Chris Shehan:

Am I the only one who hopes Isaiah and the stranger kiss? Yes? That’s OK, I still stand by it.
Nahil previously wrote the graphic novel Let Me Out, which was released last October by Oni Press. He hails from a haunted seaside town so of course the sea calls to him. But Nahil doesn’t just write. He also makes video games as the Narrative Director and co-founder of Perfect Garbage Studios.
From The Belly hits shelves on May 30, 2024. Pre-order your copy here.
Listen to Emmett Nahil’s interview on Scarred For Life!