Jeepers Creepers 3 Finally Ready to Fly?

Victor Salva has been primed and ready to bring back the Creeper for many years, an on-again, off-again third installment in the Jeepers Creepers franchise being rumored and talked about since the release of the second film. Could it finally be on its way into our lives? It just might be. Read on!
According to our friends over at Bloody Disgusting, who were scooped on the news by Shock Till You Drop, Salva is apparently very close to finally making the long talked about sequel. Their sources reveal that Salva shot a scene back in October for the third installment, though production on the film is not yet officially under way.
Last we heard about Jeepers Creepers 3, it was going to be subtitled Cathedral and feature the return of the original film’s Trish, who was set to embark on a mission to hunt down the monster that killed her brother. No word yet on whether or not that’s still the plan.
More as we learn it!

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