Hollywood Is Dead Coffee Table Book Coming Your Way Soon

Renowned artist Matt Busch has not only created artwork for bands like Black Sabbath, Motely Crue and Alice Cooper, but he also has a project called Hollywood Is Dead wherein he recreates classic movie posters zombie style.
Thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, Hollywood Is Dead will soon be a coffee table book.
Busch doesn’t just amend existing posters; he actually recreates the iconic artwork from scratch and adds a touch of the undead to each, coming up with such titles as Breakfast Is Tiffany, Alice from Underland, Beauty and the Feast and Cadavatar. Busch is obviously a massively talented dude with an awesome sense of humor. And now all his work will be collected in one spot as the Kickstarter campaign to create a book of Busch’s work was successfully funded after just 12 days.
Check out the successfully funded Hollywood Is Dead Kickstarter page for more info. There are stretch goals to be reached and still plenty of great rewards to be had.
For even more visit the official Hollywood Is Dead website, “like” Hollywood Is Dead on Facebook and follow Matt Busch on Twitter (@Matt_Busch).
From the Press Release
In just 12 days, artist Matt Busch has successfully crowd-funded the long-awaited coffee table art book Hollywood Is Dead. The hardcover book will feature the giant collection of zombified parody movie posters that Busch has illustrated over the past five years, dozens of which have never been revealed. The tome will also take a look at how the posters are created and feature a gallery of his other zombie-related works for properties like Night of the Living Dead and The Walking Dead. With more than half of the Kickstarter campaign ahead, Busch hopes to meet stretch goals, enabling him to make the book larger, adding more pages and additional features with collectors in mind.
The Hollywood Is Dead project began as a series of Star Wars movie poster images at the request of Lucasfilm, repainted by Busch into an alternate undead universe. With fandom hits like Zombie Wars: The Living Dead Strike Back, fans were eager to see the rest of the iconic cinema classics. The project soon gained attention on G4TV’s “Attack of the Show” and “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” as Busch unveiled one new zombified poster after another. Fan favorites include Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Breakfast Is Tiffany), Edward Scissorhands (Deadward Scissorhands) and Toy Story (Toy Gory).
Busch is already a well-known entertainment artist, having illustrated posters for properties like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Star Trek, and others. “The Hollywood Is Dead book is really my love letter to the movie poster as an art form,” comments Busch. “The project has let me not only explore my childhood memories, but study my favorite cinema artists’ masterpieces. But I’d be lying if I said the zombie aspect wasn’t a guilty pleasure, too!” The idea of doing a crowd-funding campaign wasn’t initially considered by Busch. In the last year he pitched the book to dozens of top publishers and literary agents, most of which wanted smaller, abbreviated or even censored versions of the book, pushing Busch to rethink his crowd-funding options.
With just over two weeks left to campaign, Busch is already gearing up to meet stretch goals. “I’m so happy that the book is happening, and am beyond thankful for the support,” comments Busch. “The goal now is to raise more funds so I can make the book larger. Wider and especially taller pages will allow one to really see the detail I’ve put in to hand-painting each and every one of these.” Further, Hollywood Is Dead is currently set at 192 pages, but Busch hopes to push that to 240, accommodating the plethora of zombie material he has to share. While the stats of the book improve, backers reap the benefits without having to raise their pledge.
Busch also assures that supporters of the Kickstarter campaign will get the book months before anyone else, and at a better price. In addition, the Kickstarter features exclusive reward packages, like signed/sketched books, original paintings and art prints not available anywhere else. The campaign for the Hollywood Is Dead art book expires on November 29th.

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