Fan Attempts to Re-write the Final Season of Dexter, Fails

Dread regulars know that I’m one of the few who absolutely loved the finale of “Dexter.” I’ll make no concessions about the final season being rather lackluster, but the show ended its run in a way that was both poetic and fitting for the titular character. Regardless, here’s a fan-made proposition for the final season.
This wannabe Red Letter Media video offers some interesting ideas, but it’s a far too high-level overview for us to say whether or not it would’ve worked any better. After all, if you put the concepts behind season 8 on paper (a jilted serial killer gets fixated on Dexter because he has all the things missing from his life), you’ve got some good stuff as well. The problem is making it interesting on a week-to-week basis, which is where the final season really dropped the ball (well, that and having Deb forgive Dexter completely at the end of episode 5 – still the worst moment in the series).
This proposition ends the show exactly where it started, which means there isn’t much of a journey for these characters.
At any rate, you can head over to YouTube to check out Fibr3Optix’s video by clicking here (embedding was disabled). I honestly had to watch it twice because the first time I kept counting all the ways he ripped off RLM’s Plinkett reviews.

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