‘Onlyfangs’ Shows Sexy Vampires Near You! [New Blood News]

Onlyfans… Do I really need to spell this one out? For those separated from the internet, it’s a website where creators can post content for cash through monthly subscriptions or one-time purchases, usually associated with adult content but open to any and all creators. And we SUPPORT those creators, don’t we? We’re all trying to make a living in one way or another, so there’s no need to sink the ship we’re all sailing. That established, we move on to the important questions, such as: What if vampires were on Onlyfans? How would that work? Do they show up in pictures, or do they vanish like in mirrors? Would they eat their fans? Would they ONLY eat their FANS?
All good questions, to which I have none of the answers. However, the good folks at A&P Productions—Paul Ragsdale and Angelica De Alba—are going to cast some sunlight on these nightwalkers and answer a question or two. From the creators of Murdercise comes their newest film—Onlyfangs!
From the Indiegogo page:
“A bloodthirsty gang of vampire chicks move into a small town and meet a wannabe monster named Wes, who helps them develop an app to turn victims into customers.
Our mission is to make a vampire horror/comedy that will be reminiscent of some of our favorite vampire films of the 80s and 90s, such as The Lost Boys, Fright Night, and From Dusk Till Dawn! We intend to capture this feeling via the story, the wardrobe, the sets, and the music. Every cent of your contribution will go towards paying, feeding, housing the actors and crew, and creating the film world these characters will inhabit! We believe we have cast the perfect actors for this mission! Imagine these amazing actors as 90’s vamps or slacker monster hunters:
Kansas Bowling (Cuddly Toys), Drew Maverick (Pool Party Massacre), Nina Lanee Kent (Slashlorette Party), Jessa Flux (Murdercise), Adriana Uchishiba (Murdercise), Meredith Mohler (When the Trashman Knocks), Kristy Adams (Nightmare Toys), Delawna McKinney (Streets of Vengeance), and Ellie Church (Space Babes from Outer Space!)!”
Support Onlyfangs by checking out the Indiegogo right here!
