A Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster Sequel on its Way?

Godzilla Fans Universe
One of our absolute favorite Godzilla flicks around these parts is no doubt the 1970 monster epic Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster, in which Big G took on pollution’s nastiest weapon.
While everyone is still focused on the upcoming film from Legendary Pictures, a tidbit of news has come our way that is too tasty to ignore. Website Godzilla Fans Universe recently spoke with the executive producer of Godzilla 2014, Yoshimitsu Banno (who also co-wrote and directed the aforementioned 1970s flick), and the man dropped a pretty crazy bombshell.
“I am planning the sequel of Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster now,” says Banno. “A new character named Midora will appear as a green saving monster in the sequel. Midora will help battle Hedorah. The new Hedorah comes out from the toxic sludge contaminated by the radioactive waste from an accident at a nuclear power plant. I wish to realize this film with the collaboration of Godzilla fans from around the world.”
Very interesting, eh, kids? We’ll keep our eyes on this one, and in the meantime watch the video below and sing the hell along!

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