Horror Icons Get the Manga Treatment from Artist Matsuda Yuusuke

Matsuda Yuusuke
While I respect its place in pop culture, the anime/manga art style just does nothing for me. The huge heads, big eyes, and small mouths thing is just too cute for my liking, but even I will admit that this batch is kind of cool.
Artist Matsuda Yuusuke has put a manga spin on some of the horror and sci-fi genres’ biggest icons including Alien, The Terminator, Predator, Pinhead and his gang of Hellraiser Cenobytes, RoboCop (retro, not the new Michael Keaton “Make it black” version) and even Hellboy.
Check them out below, and look for more from this extremely talented artist soon enough! Maybe next time the female Cenobyte can be wearing a schoolgirl outfit or something similar, thereby showing off a quick panty shot and camel toe.

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