Amer Filmmakers Honor Dario Argento with Excellent Tribute Video

As we collectively await the release of Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani’s (Amer) latest Giallo-inspired throwback, The Strange Colour of Your Body’s Tears (review), the Argento-loving pair are celebrating this weekend’s overseas release of Dracula 3D in style…
…with a video that all fans of Argento’s work should make it a point to watch.
Cut together for French channel ARTE, the four-minute long video is a mash-up of clips from Argento’s films, serving as a visual essay that highlights the recurring themes and imagery that are almost always on display in his movies. We’re talking things like black-gloved killers, close-up shots of eyes, breaking glass and a whole lot of sharp objects plunging into tender flesh.
Check out the stunning video below, which was created by hardcore Argento fans for hardcore Argento fans!

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