Rotten Cotton and Cult Movie Mania Join Forces to Release Amerikan Holokaust and ROT

If it’s outrageous and shocking, odds are Rotten Cotton has a t-shirt for it. So who better for them to team up with than Cult Movie Mania, a site dedicated to the schlock & shock of cult movies? Read on to see what treasures this unholy alliance is unleashing!
First up is the UNCUT version of Chris Woods’ Amerikan Holokaust. Here’s the skinny straight from the RC/CMM Newsletter:
It may seem hard to believe that a movie could actually be shocking these days. You’re probably skeptical because so many movies talk a big game but never match their own hype.
Amerikan Holokaust is the real deal
Eyeball chewing… intestines wiggling… scrotum stomping… This “private home video” of two whacked out Vietnam vets on a killing spree is ghastly. You’re assaulted right along with the kidnapped victims on screen. Amerikan Holokaust oozes with depraved perversion, gore, and sleaze from frame one to frame last. It doesn’t just surpass the limits of taste and decency – it demolishes them.
Beyond the shocks, Amerikan Holokaust is incredibly well made. The acting is good. Marcus Koch’s gore FX are nauseating. And the story resonates.
If you don’t want the Hollywood movie mafia telling you which movies to watch… If you want to see a truly dangerous movie that lives up to its notoriety… If you think you can handle the completely uncut version… click here to get Amerikan Holokaust now.
This limited special edition comes autographed by the maverick filmmakers, John Miller (co-writer) and Chris Woods (co-writer/director). It also has intense bonus features including:
* Depraved Deleted and Extended Scenes
* Official Trailer
* Teaser Trailer
* Sleaze Box Promo
A Word of WARNING: Once you order your signed copy of Amerikan Holokaust, consider putting the DVD on its own shelf. It’s so sick, so nasty, so toxic it will accost and violate the other movies in your collection.
Also, get a barf bag.

Next is the punk splatter classick ROT from the aforementioned Marcus Koch. Again we’ll let RC/CMM do the talking:
Welcome to the snot-nosed, blood-drenched, bile-spewing, insano mayhem of Marcus Koch’s ROT, a punk rock movie masterpiece.
Muzzy bleeds from his eyes and demands the antidote. The doctor resists. He pulls at his restraints. Screaming. Yelling. The tension rises. The mood darkens. Muzzy spins away in anger. The doctor breaks loose. BAM! He punches Muzzy’s mohawked head clean off his neck!
Things get even crazier when Muzzy’s girlfriend, Sara, duct tapes his head back on. And he remains fully functional! It’s the least she could do. Had she never screwed that corpse, they wouldn’t have contracted the “Rot” – a deadly, flesh-eating virus that is rotting them alive. Skin peeling, eyes bleeding, guts melting… the “Rot” is so disgusting it makes everyday STDs look luxurious. Clearly gutter punks shouldn’t play with dead things. Or have sex with them.
ROT drags you along for a wild ride as these tragic lovers make the most of their final moments with an ultra-violent, virus-spreading rampage. They burn a mansion, joyride through a graveyard, have stinky rotting sex, kidnap a deranged scientist, run from federal agents, fight thugs in an alley, and inject formaldehyde… all while a killer punk rock soundtrack roars through your speakers.
ROT delivers a well-told story that provokes you to wonder what you would do in the same dire situation. The acting is great, too. Billly $cam comes across as authentically punk. And the always entertaining Joel D. Wynkoop takes unhinged paranoia to new heights.
ROT is available as a VHS/DVD Deluxe Set (click here for ordering info). This soon-to-be-rare collectible includes an awesome ROT clamshell VHS tape (orange), deluxe ROT DVD (green), hand-screened 11” x 17” poster of the amazing ROT cover art (red), and a ROT punk button. Only 100 of these sets have been created. And once they’re gone, that’s it. No more will be made. A DVD-only version is offered also, but you need to be a newsletter subscriber for the buying info – visit to join. Also keep your eyes on for all the latest updates from them.
ROT has been out of print for nearly a decade and is not available anywhere else. Plus, this is the first time ROT has ever been released on DVD. It’s packed with goodies, including:
* New Behind-the-Scenes Video
* Original Behind-the-Scenes Video
* New Audio Commentary with Marcus Koch and Joel D. Wynkoop
* Original Audio Commentary with Marcus Koch and Billly $cam
* Marcus Koch: The Herb Kowalski Interview
* The Goriest Minute – ROT Episode
* Trailers

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