Someone’s Getting a New Love Interest in True Blood Season 7

One of “True Blood’s” fan favorite characters is getting a new love interest in the show’s final season, and we have the details on who it is and whether they’re of the human or vamp persuasion.
Per TVLine, Lafayette’s getting a new boyfriend – and a serious one at that. After spending much of Season 6 in the shadows, Nelsan Ellis will sashay back to the forefront in “True Blood” Season 7 with a little help from “Drake.”
Described as a cross between Jim Morrison and James Dean, the brooding and insanely good-looking vampire is a compassionate protector with a poet’s edge. The series-regular role calls for a twentysomething actor who is comfortable performing in simulated (and near-naked) sex scenes with another man in front of the cast and crew. In other words, just another day in Bon Temps!
The ten-episode seventh season of “True Blood” will launch in summer 2014. The end of Season 6 jumped ahead six months, and Season 7 will serve as a bit of a reset for the series with the theme of “for every vampire, a human; for every human, a vampire.” It once again examines the relationships between humans and vampires, and by putting all the characters essentially into one story, now it’s Bon Temps vs. the world.
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