Official Synopsis Now Available for Supernatural Episode 9.10 – Road Trip

The preview has been available for a while now, but the official synopsis of “Supernatural” Episode 9.10, “Road Trip,” which marks this show’s January 14th return from holiday hiatus, has just arrived. Consider it an early Christmas gift from The CW.
If you’re wondering about “The Originals,” which also returns on the 14th, the network is holding back on releasing that listing so stay tuned – it’s bound to show up shortly as well.
“Supernatural” Episode 9.10 – “Road Trip” (airs 1/14/14, 9-10pm)
DEAN’S BEST CHANCE OF SAVING SAM LIES WITH CROWLEY — Dean (Jensen Ackles) is devastated after Kevin’s death and vows to find the angel that killed him, not only to free Sam (Jared Padalecki) but to seek revenge.
Castiel (Misha Collins) arrives at the bunker and suggests they try to separate Sam’s brain from the angel’s so they can talk to Sam and have him expel Gadreel. However, there’s one small problem: The only person who knows how to do that is Crowley (Mark Sheppard).
Robert Singer directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb.
Related Story: Jeremy Carver Teases What’s Ahead in “Supernatural’s” Mid-Season Return and Beyond
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