Sexy Dudes and Hot Desert Vampires Get Together In This Forgotten Sleezefest [Video]

To wrap up yet another exciting Pride Month here at Dread Central, I have once again teamed up with staff writer Tyler Doupe’ to unpack the queerness of a semi-forgotten horror gem from the 90s/early 2000s. Last time, we looked hard at Wishmaster 2 (from the reliably queer-coded director of Freddy’s Revenge). This year, we took a detour into the desert to discuss 2001’s very sexy and dumb, basically DTV sleezefest, The Forsaken.
Why is The Forsaken so queer, you may be asking? Well, it’s not for all the usual reasons. There are actually some fascinating yet troubling allusions to HIV and the queer experience that are absolutely worth investigating in this little-known vampire flick. Join Tyler and me as we get to the root of this hidden gem from the early aughts and decide if you might want to revisit it for yourself.
Take a peek at ‘Ya, That’s Gay: The Forsaken‘ right here:
What about you? Have you ever seen The Forsaken? Or will you maybe check it out to celebrate the end of another spooky Pride Month? Let us know what you think about the queerness in this lost vampire movie on Twitter via @DreadCentral. We are always around to chat about horror movies that are ya, supes gay.