The Mystery of the Enfield Monster [Horror IRL]

enfield horror

We over here at Dread Central love cryptids. Cryptids, derived from cryptozoology, are animals, creatures, or species believed to exist without clear or substantiated confirmation they actually do. Bigfoot is probably the most famous example (and if you’re itching for some Bigfoot horror, I’ve got you covered), though there are dozens and dozens more. They’re often born from the oral tradition and anecdotal accounts of something weird and freaky. They’re also region-specific, highlighting geographic anxieties and fears. One of the coolest I’ve recently stumbled across (other than Frogman) is undoubtedly the Enfield Monster.

At first, I thought the Enfield Monster was another way of conceptualizing the Enfield Poltergeist, the two-year London haunting that has endured in popular culture, even getting an adaption in the form of The Conjuring 2 several years ago.

The Enfield Monster is a little different—here’s the gist.

In 1973, several Enfield, Illinois residents claimed to have seen an unidentified creature scurrying about. Sociologists were quick to dispute the claims, concluding it was little more than a social contagion or kind of group hysteria—that is, once one person claimed to see the monster, everyone else was susceptible to seeing it, too. The Mt. Vernon Register News even has a contemporaneous quote from one of the first people to see it. They said, “It had three legs on it, a short body, two little short arms, and two pink eyes as big as flashlights. It stood four and a half feet tall and was grayish-colored.”

Excuse me while I gather myself because that’s terrifying. Some locals claimed it to be nothing more than an ape or kangaroo that escaped, with residents from the surrounding area calling in to confirm as much. One Ohio man contacted authorities believing what people had been seeing was his lost kangaroo, Macey. Those damn kangaroos are hard to keep track of, huh?

Still, like the best cryptid lore, several residents to this day still believe something unknown is stalking the woods in and around Enfield. Whether it’s just an ape (which have been documented as being in the area) or some kind of monstrous aberration remains to be seen. It ultimately amounts to what you’re willing to believe, and how far you’re willing to stretch your credulity. It makes for a sensational campfire story, however. If you’re ever in Enfield, just be certain to keep your eyes peeled. You never know what you might see.



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