Jesus Christ! Kevin Smith Is Directing ANOTHER Horror Movie?

Kevin Smith on Facebook
For those wondering why I invoked the name of one of the holiest of holys in the headline of this story, it’s because Tusk and Red State director Kevin Smith just announced via his Facebook page that he’s gearing up for yet another religion-based horror flick, Helena Handbasket.
“The idea is to, once again, take an episode of SModcast and turn it into a movie,” Smith reveals on his Facebook page. “It’s worked out quite nicely with ‘TUSK’ (thanks largely to the cast, the crew and the good folks at Demarest and at a24, who’ll be releasing the flick this fall), so I wanna see if I can do it again.”
Speaking on the plot, “Granted, this time the plot of the movie concerns mankind teaming up with Hell to save existence from extinction at the hands of a Rapturing giant Jesus – which means the budget has to be LOW, because NOBODY’S gonna wanna make that movie. At all. And I know this going in, so I won’t be heartbroken if it never goes beyond the script. But… if the script is funny enough? Who knows? That walrus movie seemed pretty daffy and far-fetched until we were standing on the ‘TUSK’ set bringing that shit to life four months and change after first making it up in episode 259 of SModcast.”
He had me at Giant Jesus.
Stay tuned.
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