Man Sneezes Out a Section of His Intestine at Florida Diner [Horror IRL]


A 63-year-old man was out to lunch with his wife at a Florida diner when he sneezed and then coughed repeatedly, dislodging a section of his intestine in the process.

I’ve covered some pretty gruesome stories for Horror IRL. But this one might be the most unsettling to date. I don’t mind a bit of onscreen viscera. But I am quite squeamish about real-life gore. Especially internal body components presented externally. Yikes.

The man experienced what is called ‘evisceration’ following a routine surgery. According to People, the patient underwent an abdominal cystectomy (surgery on his bladder) less than a week before the incident. Following the procedure, the surgeon closed the incision site with staples.

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The patient saw his surgeon for a follow-up visit on the day of the evisceration. At that point, the wound appeared to be healing without incident. But when the patient was dining out, he sneezed and then coughed repeatedly. That combination put pressure on the wound and caused it to reopen.

When the patient looked down, he saw a portion of his intestine had become dislodged. When paramedics arrived on the scene, they kept the section of his protruding bowel moist and bandaged it. The man was then transported to the hospital where a physician replaced the dislodged intestine and resealed the wound. He was discharged from the facility 6 days later.

Although this is a horrifying development, it marks one of only seven known cases of evisceration after a cystectomy. So, the probability of sneezing out a section of your digestive tract (even after bowel surgery) is highly unlikely.

That’s all for this installment of Horror IRL. Stay tuned to the site for more shocking developments as we uncover them. If you’re keen to keep up with me on social media, you can find me on Twitter @FunWithHorror.



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