Crop Circles Appear in California

NBC News
While we don’t really put too much stock into the theory that crop circles indicate the existence of alien life, we have to admit they sure are fun to speculate about. Take this recent intricate formation.
An aerial photographer spotted the giant crop circle near Salinas, California, from above this past Monday.
Theories are cropping up to explain an intricate circular pattern discovered in a field of grass in Chualar, California. KSBW’s Tom Miller reports.
“We were on a photo flight this morning and came across it,” aerial photographer Julie Belanger told NBC News. “It was so unique in the middle of a field.”
In the meantime, a YouTube video titled “Salinas Crop Circle Discovery” posted by user “Cannot Say” showed two men driving down the road at sunrise on Monday and then spotting a blinking green light in the field. “Dude, this is a crop circle,” said one of the men after they ran toward the light and allegedly discovered the flattened grass.
There are also reports that guards from a South Bay security company were at the field Monday morning on behalf of a client whose identity they could not reveal.
So, man-made or extraterrestrial? Sound off below.

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