This Classic Mike Flanagan Thriller Will Finally Be Available to Purchase

If you’ve read any of my Netflix news pieces, even the positive ones, you’ll know I regularly preface my writing with frustration at the current state of media availability. While the easy answer is physical media, that targets a symptom of a much larger problem, namely the modern rate with which so many movies and television series aren’t just being delisted, but practically erased on digital platforms. Mike Flanagan’s Netflix work is of particular interest because I really love Mike Flanagan’s Netflix work. You can buy The Haunting of Hill House and Bly Manor physically (great), but the rest of his output is still tethered to the platform. Infamously, his feature film Hush, released in 2016, was pulled in April 2023, leaving no available legal channels available to watch it. Until now, at least.
In Hush, “A deaf and mute writer who retreated into the woods to live a solitary life must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears at her window.“
Mike Flanagan announced on Twitter that Shout! Studios, in collaboration with Flanagan, Intrepid Pictures, and Blumhouse, will release Hush on video-on-demand for rental or purchase on August 27. It might not seem like a big deal—after all, prior to 2023, Hush was readily available to stream for anyone with a Netflix subscription—but it’s a big win for horror fans, especially those fearful of encroaching capitalistic excess.
We’ve seen movies canceled and years of work simply erased, and for a time, Hush was poised to face the same fate. Think of it this way—if Netflix were to remove Midnight Mass from its platform tomorrow, how would you watch it? Hush will be available to purchase or rent on major digital platforms in the U.S. and Canada.
Additionally, when asked whether there were any plans for a physical release, Mike Flanagan teased there was more to come… and soon.
In our original review of Hush, we wrote, “Though the film doesn’t entirely elevate the home invasion sub-genre to new heights, it works substantially well to see this emotional subtext fully realized by its end.” Soon, that terror will be coming home with us.
What do you think? Are you excited to see Hush return from the grave? What other Mike Flanagan projects would you like to see available for purchase? Let me know over on Twitter @Chadiscollins.