Vincent J. Guastini Offers an Inside Look at His Effects for Cabin Fever: Patient Zero

Hopefully your breakfast is sitting well because after seeing these latest effects shots from Cabin Fever: Patient Zero, you’re likely to lose it. As for lunch… don’t even bother.
While we sit here in the States patiently waiting, Cabin Fever: Patient Zero is opening in Germany this weekend and will also be spreading across the UK on March 17, 2014, from Signature Entertainment. One of our favorite effects artists, Vincent J. Guastini, has offered up some behind-the-scenes grue to get you dreadheads in the mood for a little viral action!
“For the effects on this film we went all out. There were various victims who are infected as well as most of the main cast,” says Guastini about spreading the red, “as well as an entire river bog of various infected, in all stages of this type of disease, both done with actors in prosthetics and with custom-made dummies made just for this production. For this film we made well over a thousand prosthetics. At one point we had almost the entire cast covered in prosthetics from head to toe on a daily basis. We also had our main female leads covered front and back in prosthetics on every inch of their bodies.”
“Our one female lead, Jillian Murray, had double layers of prosthetic decay, a full prosthetic suit almost that could be peeled or pulled off, right down to her muscles, all anatomically correct from upper skin level to muscle and bone. Took close to eight hours to just get her into that make-up. Both applied by me and make-up artist Gage Hubbard on set. We were the only two artists on set doing all the extensive prosthetics work that my studio constructed. It was rough at times; we had our two leads, plus various victims were in make-ups. We had some local help, but for the most part was me and Gage on set doing it all! it was crazy but it was fun.”
Guastini continues, “In one fight Jillian and Lydia basically tear each other to shreds, ripping their skin off to smashing in their faces! All materials were used, from silicone to prosthetic transfers and traditional foam rubber. We also had special denture extenders for Lydia Hearst’s transformation, which you can get a glimpse of here in the effects video of me making her up.”
“The challenge of this movie was to beat anything previously done in the whole Cabin Fever series you have seen and have as many memorable sequences as possible of anything else achieved in any other film dealing with a flesh-eating disease. I wanted these effects to be the last word on any virus or flesh-eating skin disease you could come up with. Thanks to the director Kaare Andrews and producer Evan Astrowsky, I think we achieved that. I was given a large amount of creative freedom and spent a good deal of the time in the Caribbean doing it. What more can a make-up designer want from a project?”
Mitch Ryan, Sean Astin, Jillian Murray, Brano Eaton, Lydia Hearst, and Ryan Donowho star.
The story kicks off when a bachelor party cruise in the Caribbean unexpectedly runs ashore on a medical-research island and a deadly virus is unleashed. The passengers must struggle to find a way to survive before their own demons and the flesh-eating bacteria consume them all.
Comic book artist Kaare Andrews (Altitude) is directing from a screenplay penned by Jake Wade Wall (The Hitcher).

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