Quentin Tarantino Loves a Highly Controversial Thriller That’s Now Free-to-Stream; Here’s How to Watch

2011 was a weird time. I was, incredulously, really into whatever Kevin Smith was doing in the genre space. What makes that weird is that I’d never really vibed with Smith’s wavelength before that. yet, I was desperate to be cool, so I tried to get into Kevin Smith’s distinct brand of lowkey, meta-buddy humor. Clerks didn’t work for me. Mallrats was… a movie? And Dogma– I know everyone loves Dogma—just made me want to cancel my Netflix DVD subscription and never return.
When Red State was announced, however, I couldn’t wait. I saw Tusk… in theaters. And I’m also Yoga Hosers apologist. Back to Red State, but I think that was a turning point for me. Come to find out, Quentin Tarantino is a huge fan, too.
Better still, Red State is streaming for free on Roku, Tubi and, Plex.
Learn more about Red State here:

Per Tubi: A clan of religious zealots with a stockpile of weapons and a hatred for sinners prepares for battle when the law comes looking for some missing boys.
Red State first premiered at Quentin Tarantino’s New Beverly Cinema for a special, week-long engagement in June of 2011. Later that year, Lionsgate released the film on demand and in select theaters. The theatrical release was embroiled in controversy, from its drop schedule and even to Westboro Baptist Church protests. But literally, who cares what they think?
Critical reviews were mixed. While it was better received than Kevin Smith’s subsequent horror efforts, critics still pointed out its lack of genuine scares or thrills. It was certainly audacious, the kind of big swing I personally always respect, but that never really solidified into a cohesive whole. At least audiences got to see a review of the originally planned ending several years later.

The State of Quentin Tarantino’s Taste
Kevin Smith has remarked how Quentin Tarantino’s influence can be felt all over the film, at times likening it to a movie made for the seminal filmmaker himself. Smith even recalls getting stoned with Quentin Tarantino during a special screening of the film. Afterward, he recalls, “I’ll never forget looking over at him, and him like with very excited eyes and delivery going like, ‘it’s like you made this movie for me, man!’. And I was like ‘yes, very very much so.’”
Red State may not yield much cultural cache today, but it’s an unsung gem I encourage you to check out when you get the chance. It even co-stars one Kyle Gallner who, in recent years, has solidified himself as one of the best Scream Kings the genre has to offer. I’ll never scoff at more Kyle Gallner, and you shouldn’t either.
What do you think? Are you a fan of Red State? Which of Kevin Smith’s horror films is your favorite? Do you agree with Quentin Tarantino? Let me know over on Twitter @Chadiscollins.
You can now freely stream this underrated and deeply disturbing political thriller that Kevin Smith says Quentin Tarantino absolutely loves.