Preview and Sneak Peek of Being Human Episode 4.04 – Panic Womb

Syfy hasn’t released any photos from “Being Human” Episode 4.04, “Panic Womb,” yet; but to tide you over until they do, we have a preview and clip to share. So far this season is darker than ever, and we couldn’t be happier!
“Being Human” stars Sam Witwer as vampire Aidan, Meaghan Rath as ghost (and new witch) Sally, and Sam Huntington and Kristen Hager as werewolves Josh and Nora.
“Being Human” Episode 4.04 – “Panic Womb (airs 2/3/14)
Aidan’s vampire relationships continue as his human romance with Kat (Deanna Russo) becomes more serious; a couple give Josh and Nora a glimpse into their possible future; and Sally asks an old friend for help solving the mystery of “Lil’ Smokie.”
For more info visit “Being Human” on, join the Syfy Google+ circle, “like” “Being Human” on Facebook, and follow “Being Human” on Twitter.

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