Musical Version of King Kong May Be Opening on Broadway This December!

Now that Spider-Man: The Musical has official shut down and shit the bed, the Big Apple has a monster-sized hole in it just waiting to be filled. Enter King Kong. Holy cow, that sounded inadvertently dirty.
The sky-high $75 million cost of Spider-Man was incurred in large part by a long, haphazard development process for a show that opened cold on Broadway, with all those expenses folded into the New York production’s budget.
By contrast, King Kong has already been developed in a Melbourne, Australia, production (said to have come in at around $30 million), so the capitalization of the American staging, while still poised to be high by Broadway standards, won’t be weighed down with those expenses. And since the heavy lifting required to mount Kong has already been accomplished once, there’s zero likelihood that previews will stretch over months as they did with Spider-Man.
Incidentally, “mounting Kong” sounded even more inadvertently dirty.
Global Creatures (the production company behind King Kong) chairman Gerry Ryan, in an interview on Melbourne radio station 3AW late last week, stated King Kong will be opening at the former home of Spider-Man: The Musical, Foxwoods Theatre on Broadway, this December. Officially, however, neither the dates nor the venue has been officially confirmed.
Look for more soon!

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