Godzilla Trailer Easter Egg Uncovered; The Mothra Twins Live?

Astounding Beyond Belief
We, like many of you, have not stopped watching the trailer for Legendary Pictures’ take on Godzilla. There’s SO much to take in, including a couple of things you may have missed. A tiny couple, in fact!
One of the more popular things you can find in the Godzilla franchise, especially during the Showa era, is the appearance of two 6-inch tall women known as the Shobijan, or more commonly… The Mothra Twins.
DC reader Steve Lewis dropped us a line via Twitter alerting us that a fellow Godzilla fan who runs the Astounding Beyond Belief blog made an incredible discovery.
We decided to take a look at it for ourselves, and yes, it does appear that the infamous Shobijan may be present and accounted for during a scene around the 30-second mark in the trailer. We’ve grabbed multiple screenshots from the scene in question and have them for you below. Click on each image to see them full-sized.
Trick of the light? Happy accident? Two totally unrelated people? Firemen maybe? Yes, we know that for the Shobijan to even show up in said stills they’d have to be about 6-feet tall each, but still. Just the fact that we’re even talking about this delights us to no end. Tell us what you think.

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