Sally Changes the Past in this Sneak Peek of Being Human Episode 4.08 – Rewind, Rewind…

We’re not able to dwell on the news that this season is the last for “Being Human” because in Episode 4.08, “Rewind, Rewind….,” we are off and running toward the endgame as Sally changes the past and both werewolf Ray and vampire Marcus return.
Along with a 3+-minute sneak peek of the ep, we have 13 photos to give you an idea of the havoc about to be wreaked by Sally’s actions. Will anything remain the same?
“Being Human” stars Sam Witwer as vampire Aidan, Meaghan Rath as ghost (and witch) Sally, and Sam Huntington and Kristen Hager as werewolves Josh and Nora.
“Being Human” Episode 4.08 – “Rewind, Rewind…” (airs 3/3/14)
Using magic gets Sally stuck in the past, and her efforts to return to the present end up changing the future for herself and her roommates. Guest stars include Andreas Apergis as Ray and Vincent Leclerc as Marcus.
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