Right Wrongs with These Photos and Sneak Peek of Being Human Ep. 4.09 – Too Far, Fast Forward!

Sally really fucked things up on “Being Human” this week, and now we can’t wait to see what happens in Episode 4.09, “Too Far, Fast Forward!” If you’re in the same boat, here are several images and a clip from the ep.
As you’ll see, Mark Pellegrino returns next week as Bishop, and for that reason alone we’re willing to let Sally slide… for now. But she better do something quick to ensure that our roomies end up with the lives they’re all supposed to have!
“Being Human” stars Sam Witwer as Aidan, Meaghan Rath as Sally, Sam Huntington as Josh, and Kristen Hager as Nora.
“Being Human” Episode 4.09 – “Too Far, Fast Forward!” (airs 3/10/14)
Sally tries to right her wrongs and free herself from the past she’s stuck in, but the only way she can figure on doing that is by magically transporting herself to the present and seeking the aid of an old foe.
For more info visit “Being Human” on Syfy.com, join the Syfy Google+ circle, “like” “Being Human” on Facebook, and follow “Being Human” on Twitter.

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