It’s Chaos in this Promo and New Images from Grimm Episode 3.15 – Once We Were Gods

Much like the Men of Letters injected new life into “Supernatural,” so too has the Wesen Council added some spice to “Grimm.” They return in next week’s Episode 3.15, “Once We Were Gods,” and here’s a sneak peek via some stills and a preview.
As an added bonus, we have a creature profile of last night’s Wesen of the Week: The Aswang, vicious Filipino Wesen who must consume their first-born grandchild in order to prolong their own lives. Kind of makes you rethink that whole “respect your elders” thing, huh?
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“Grimm” Episode 3.15 – “Once We Were Gods” (airs 3/14/14; 9-10PM)
AN ANCIENT EGYPTIAN MYSTERY CAUSES CHAOS IN PORTLAND — Nick (David Giuntoli) and Hank (Russell Hornsby) find themselves thrown into the middle of an ancient battle, and things heat up when the Wesen Council decides to get involved.
Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell) and Rosalee (Bree Turner) fill everyone in on early Wesen history.
Meanwhile, Sgt. Wu (Reggie Lee) is still reeling from the events he recently experienced.
As things heat up in Europe, one of the Resistance’s most trusted allies gets compromised as he tries to protect Adalind (Claire Coffee). Bitsie Tulloch and Sasha Roiz also star; Anne Dudek and Richard Lee Jackson guest star.

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