Evan Goldberg Says Preacher Adaptation Will Remain Faithful to Comics

Last month we learned that powerhouse duo Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg are penning a small screen adaptation of the Garth Ennis-created comic series Preacher for AMC, and today comes word from Goldberg about the status of the project. Read on!
Collider reports that while Rogen and Goldberg will be putting some of their own touches on the adaptation, it will remain pretty faithful to the source material. “We just had a meeting with AMC and Garth Ennis,” said Goldberg, “and we all kind of seemed to agree that we’re gonna stay as true to the comic as we can.”
He continued, “We need to change some stuff, but we’re not gonna change much, I hope. We’re just gonna do a little more of the preamble instead of doing flashbacks and restructure how we dole out the information a little, but we’re gonna [do the] same characters, same story, same ending. We’re gonna try to stick to Preacher as best we can.”
Goldberg went on to express excitement about the project finally getting off the ground, which studios have been trying to make happen for years.
“The big difference is everyone else tried to make it a movie, and it shouldn’t be a movie,” he said. “It should be an AMC show; that’s the proper way for it to get done… It’s too big; you can’t do that in a movie. It’s just too big. You’ve gotta learn the characters; it’s all about a love triangle, and you need to grow with them and see the woman swayed one way or the other, and in a movie you just can’t accomplish all that.”

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