Seth Grahame-Smith Working on New Something Wicked This Way Comes for Disney

The 1983 film based upon the book by Ray Bradbury entitled Something Wicked This Way Comes should be a staple of required viewing in your household every Halloween. It celebrates everything fun about the wondrous time of year!
In case you’ve forgotten about it, Disney is looking to give you a reminder!
According to Deadline, Disney is making a new version of the classic thriller. The studio has set Seth Grahame-Smith to make his feature directorial debut on the project. He will begin work immediately writing a treatment, and the studio then will hire a writer to script the project. Grahame-Smith and David Katzenberg’s KatzSmith Productions will be the producing banner, and Katzenberg will produce the film.
The novel tells the story of Mr. Dark, the evil proprietor of a traveling carnival who preys on the residents of a small town by bartering possession of their souls for the dreams each one has. Grahame-Smith said it was his favorite book as a child, but he doesn’t feel the movie is sacrosanct. Although the late Bradbury wrote the script, he later lamented that the movie lost a lot of the book. Grahame-Smith intends to put it back and plug a new generation into the tale.
“I have been so crazy about this book, and it was such a formative title in my life that I actually wrote a piece on NPR about why it is so important for young males to read,” Grahame-Smith said. “It is a classic coming-of-age, father-son story about the transition from childhood to adulthood and how kids can’t wait to be adults and adults romanticize their childhoods. I’m not remaking the movie; I want the haunted atmosphere that makes the book so chilling, and I want to reinstate some of the classic scenes from the book that were missing from the ’83 film.”
Stay tuned for more as it comes!

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