Eric Red’s The Guns of Santa Sangre Brings Us Werewolves in the Old West

Writer/director Eric Red (known for the films Near Dark, The Hitcher, and 100 Feet) decided to take werewolves in a whole new direction in his latest horror novel, The Guns of Santa Sangre, set in old Mexico.
Red’s tale revolves around a trio of gunfighters up against a group of particularly hairy adversaries with an Old West background. The Guns of Santa Sangre is Red’s second book. He calls it “…the most blood-splattered, furriest, fanged, bullet-riddled, action-packed hell-for-leather ride you’ve ever saddled up for.”
They’re hired guns. The best at what they do. They’ve left bodies in their wake across the West. But this job is different. It’ll take all their skill and courage. And very special bullets. Because their targets this time won’t be shooting back. They’ll fight back with ripping claws, tearing fangs, and animal cunning. They’re werewolves…
A pack of bloodthirsty wolfmen has taken over a small Mexican village, and the gunmen are the villagers’ last hope. The light of the full moon will reveal the deadliest showdown the West has ever seen—three men with six-shooters facing off against snarling, inhuman monsters.
The book’s available now from Samhain Publishing. For more info on The Guns of Santa Sangre and the author, visit the official Eric Red website.

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