2014 T.A.B.L.E. Horror Events Scheduled!

The first Tabletop And Boardgame Learning Expo (T.A.B.L.E.) is about a week away (it runs March 28-30 in Irving, Texas), and we now have an idea of what horror-oriented events you can look forward to at the Expo.
Friday night (3/28) we will be hosting King of Tokyo, the kaiju-themed boardgame of monster smackdowns! This game is always certain to start smacktalk between players as the struggle for dominance over Tokyo plays out. Will you play as the giant lizard, the huge ape, or the bunny in a pink mech suit? Wait… what?
During the day on Saturday and Sunday, we plan on hosting sessions of quick, casual games like Zombie Dice and Chthulhu Dice.
We’re working on setting an exact time, but on Saturday afternoon we will also be hosting a demo session of Dead Panic with Justin DeWitt of Fireside Games. Justin created Dead Panic and will be on hand with demo copies to teach you how to play and show you why this is a fun, intense cabin-in-the-woods experience.
Related Story: Check out our Tabletop Terrors series!
Saturday night we will be hosting a session of Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Avalon Hill/WOTC’s legendary game of spooky houses and screwing over your friends. A true party game, at one point during the exploration of the haunted mansion, one player is revealed to be the traitor and sets out to destroy the rest of the group. The group must work together after plotting in secret to defeat the traitor and escape alive.
Flying Frog’s infamous A Touch of Evil will also come out on Saturday night, hosted by yours truly! Join me for a frolic through 18th century New England as we race to kill the monster du jour before DOOM befalls us all!
In addition, there will be an (Un)Murder Mystery Party where you play zombies but someone has been brought back to life and UNkilled! Roles are going fast so check out the official T.A.B.L.E. website for details!
More gaming sessions will come up as we get closer to the Expo; check the schedule once you arrive, or just stop by the Dread Central table for the latest info. As always, there will be open gaming with copies of the games available to borrow throughout the weekend (all part of your admission price) so come find a new obsession!
Be sure to reserve a hotel room so you can play late and drink up without worrying about driving home! Rooms are still available here.
See you there!

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