Reach Your Breaking Point with the Preview and a Few Stills from Hannibal Episode 2.05 – Mukozuke

Just when it seems “Hannibal” couldn’t possibly get any better, next week Eddie Izzard returns as Dr. Gideon in Episode 2.05, “Mukozuke.” Here’s the preview along with some stills, many of which harken back to the series’ iconic roots.
“Hannibal” Episode 2.05 – “Mukozuke” (airs 3/28/14; 10-11PM)
WILL REACHES HIS BREAKING POINT AND SENDS A KILLER AFTER HANNIBAL – When one of the team’s own is found in a grotesque tableau, Will (Hugh Dancy) volunteers to assist with the profile.
He informs Jack (Laurence Fishburne) that it’s the work of the Chesapeake Ripper and the Copycat Killer… the two are one and the same.
Dr. Able Gideon (Eddie Izzard) is brought back to the asylum to help confirm Will’s claims of the Ripper’s true identity (Hannibal Lecter) but instead suggests to Will the idea of putting an end to the Ripper once and for all.
Confined behind bars, Will enlists the help of Freddie Lounds (Lara Jean Chorostecki) to contact his murderous admirer through her website. Once he has the killer’s attention, Will asks for help dealing with Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen).
Alana (Caroline Dhavernas) becomes suspicious of Will’s intentions after reading Freddie’s article, and Gideon confirms her suspicions, sending Alana and Jack rushing to find Hannibal before it’s too late. Also starring Aaron Abrams and Scott Thompson.
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