One of the Century’s Best Thrillers Now Tops the Netflix Charts: “A Masterpiece”


Denis Villeneuve is one of the most talented filmmakers working today. Among his seven feature films, his filmography has amassed a staggering 33 Academy Award nominations with 11 wins. Four of those nominations are his, including a directing nom for 2016’s Arrival and a writing nomination for 2022’s Dune. And, sure, on some parts of film Twitter, you might see Villeneuve’s cred called into question, but few filmmakers have as sterling a critical record as his.

One of Villeneuve’s best comes courtesy of another pretty remarkable talent; actor turned screenwriter Taylor Sheriden. Sheriden’s work is often deeply-coded with Americana iconography, and he often subverts these mythic ideals with brutal violence and incendiary rejection (mostly…). His script for 2015’s Sicario is among his best—even if I am partial to Wind River—and with Villeneuve at the helm, you know you’re in for something good. And you are, since the critically acclaimed thriller, often hailed as a masterpiece, is now streaming on Netflix.

Per Netflix: A young female FBI agent joins a secret CIA operation to take down a Mexican cartel boss, a job that ends up pushing her ethical and moral values to the limit.

While some of Sicario’s might is damped by its ill-advised sequel, Sicario: Day of the Soldado, the quiet thriller remains one of the most powerful of the century. Sicario is unassuming. While it opens with a literal bang, Villeneuve and Sheriden are far more interested in their characters’ interiority than they are with the expected quota of shootouts and car chases (though you get some, don’t worry).

The film was a critical and commercial success, and it helped to showcase stars Emily Blunt, Benicio del Toro, and Josh Brolin in roles unlike their past work. Blunt, in particular, is a standout. With a cast and crew comprised largely of men, Blunt’s singularly conflicted performance is resonant and powerful, especially at the film’s shocking conclusion. And I don’t even need to tell you that Benicio del Toro is beyond good.

Fans online can’t seem to get enough, and they’ve taken to Twitter to share their thoughts. Check out what everyone is saying about this classic thriller a decade after release below:

What do you think? Any plans to check out Sicario on Netflix? Which film from either Villeneuve or Sheridan’s filmography is your favorite? Let me know over on Twitter @Chadiscollins.



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