This Critical Dumpster Fire is a Netflix Hit

I’ll never understand Netflix. The streaming service has been a part of my life as long as I’ve been a movie fan. But with its firm pivot into strictly digital, I’ve felt increasingly unmoored. Their catalogue doesn’t always make sense to me, their financing decisions (The Electric State discourse is hot this week) baffle me, and while less rooted in the service itself, I’ll never be able to appropriately predict what will or will not take off on the service. Recently, I revisited Tarot, one of the best recent PG-13 horror movies, yet Netflix audiences aren’t all that thrilled to check the film out. To Catch a Killer, however? It’s pretty regularly moved in and out of the platform’s Top 10.

So, color me even more confused this week now that a critically maligned, presumably forgotten thriller from 2021 is confidently sitting as the most-streamed thriller on the platform. It’s a film I’d never even heard of, and I had to consult the trusted Internet Movie Database to even confirm it was real, lest the streaming charts were looking to punk me. Well, Midnight in the Switchgrass is real, and it’s a chart-topper alright.
Check out more about the surprise streaming hit here:
Per Netflix: FBI Agent Karl Helter and his partner Rebecca Lombardo are very close to busting a sex-trafficking ring. When they realize their investigation has crossed the path of a brutal serial killer, they team up with a FDLE agent to put an end to the infamous ‘Truck Stop Killer’.
Midnight in the Switchgrass stars Megan Fox and Bruce Willis, though from what I can gather, Bruce Willis is present in just a few minutes. Otherwise, it’s principally Megan Fox’s show. Now, I’m never one to scoff at that, but I do think I’ve likely reached my peak when it comes to loosely dramatized serial killer procedurals. From what I can tell, the Truck Stop Killer was a nasty dude, but I’m not sure what possible value Midnight in the Switchgrass might add to my understanding of those heinous crimes.

Well, someone is finding value, and I kind of love to see it. Keep in mind, I’m unironically a fan of Awakening the Zodiac, okay? So, that audiences are eating up B-movie procedurals on streaming makes me really, really happy. And viewers have been keen to share their thoughts.
Check out some choice reactions below:
I put this movie ‘Midnight In the Switchgrass’ on in the background, and suddenly I hear “you must be the dumbest bitch in Pensacola” lmfao I said who??? Let me rewind this
— I’m De’Ja (@LastnameVu) March 4, 2025
Midnight in the Switchgrass had such great build up but man that ending fell super flat for me. Really liked it overall, great cast but man I was disappointed with the end.
— Xen (@dancrodev) March 8, 2025
I’m watching a movie on Netflix called Midnight in The Switchgrass and this is some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen
— meg | (@rosecoloredmeg_) March 6, 2025
Midnight in the switchgrass on Netflix was good
— _yell0wgyal (@yell0wgyal) March 12, 2025
Midnight in the switchgrass is
— Stringer BEll (@UP_INSM0OKE) March 11, 2025
What do you think? Plan on joining the Midnight in the Switchgrass bandwagon over on Netflix? The title is pretty sick, that’s for sure. If you do check it out, let me know what you thought over on Twitter @Chadiscollins.