Molina and Davis Join Lodger Redux

Sony’s Stage 6, their low budget horror arm, has got some serious casting for the upcoming remake of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lodger, which is one of those few remakes no one seems to get too angry about. Is it because they’re saying it’s actually a re-adaptation of the book by Marie Belloc Lowndes that inspired Hitchcock rather than a straight remake? Cause they’re saying the same thing about The Birds too, you know…
Anyway, Alfred Molina has signed on to play a troubled detective who is in the heat of a cat and mouse game with a mysterious killer. Hope Davis will be playing an emotionally disturbed landlady who has a relationship with her mysterious lodger. Eventually the two storylines will meet, of course.
David Ondaatje wrote and will direct the new Lodger, which Sony will distribute when its all done but won’t say if it will be theatrical or direct-to-DVD. We’ll let you know when we do!
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