A Pair of New Season 2 Teasers Are Trapped Under the Dome

A couple of new teasers popped up on YouTube for Season 2 of CBS’s popular summer series “Under the Dome,” and if you don’t mind a few French subtitles, feel free to check them out right here! “Under the Dome” returns on Monday, June 30th.
“Under the Dome” stars Mike Vogel (Barbie), Colin Ford (Joe), Alexander Koch (Junior), Rachelle Lefevre (Julia), Natalie Martinez (Linda), Dean Norris (Big Jim), Mackenzie Lintz (Norrie), and Britt Robertson (Angie).
Season 2 newcomers announced thus far include Sherry Stringfield, Eddie Cahill, Grace Victoria Cox, and Karla Crome.
It’s already been announced that two “favorites” will be killed off in the show’s Stephen King-penned Season 2 premiere. Care to place your bets on who that might be?
For more info visit “Under the Dome” on CBS.com, “like” “Under the Dome” on Facebook, and follow “Under the Dome” on Twitter (@UnderTheDomeCBS).

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