React to Godzilla; Petition for Akira Takarada!

Legendary Pictures wants you to envision what you and your friends would look like if Godzilla was stomping his way to your town! Pull it off with style and you could become a part of Big G’s history! Read on for details and more on the Akira Takarada situation!
The King of the Monsters is headed for your city… get out your camera! Watch this special message from director Gareth Edwards announcing the global-scale Godzilla Reaction Video.
SUBMITTING IS EASY! Create a video of you and your friends freaking out as Godzilla is unleashed on your town. Get scared, get excited, and run for your life. Try to capture your city’s greatest landmarks on film – while you still can!
Once you have your video complete, post it online, and submit it to Godzilla Alert! by May 9th. Your submissions could be included in the final global supercut.
Now, then! On to a more serious Godzilla related matter. A few days ago we told you that Godzilla franchise star Akira Takarada’s scenes ended up on the cutting room floor for the film’s theatrical release. Now a petition has started to have them added back in! We G-fans do not go down without a fight. So please take the time to sign this petition. Do it for Akira Takarada. Click here to sign the petition!
From visionary new director Gareth Edwards (Monsters) comes a powerful story of human courage and reconciliation in the face of titanic forces of nature, when the awe-inspiring Godzilla rises to restore balance as humanity stands defenseless.
Elizabeth Olsen, Bryan Cranston, Aaron Johnson, Juliette Binoche, David Strathairn, Ken Watanabe, Richard T. Jones, Sally Hawkins, Akira Takarada, Victor Rasuk, Yuki Morita, and C.J. Adams star in the film, which has been rated PG-13 for “intense sequences of destruction, mayhem and creature violence.”
Visit the official Godzilla website here.

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