It’s Decision Time in these Photos and Promo for Hannibal Episode 2.12 – Tome-Wan; Two New Post Mortem Videos

A great weight was lifted from our shoulders when NBC renewed “Hannibal,” but it’s only getting heavier for Will as we head toward the season finale. First we (and Hannibal, it seems) have to get through next week’s Episode 2.12, “Tome-Wan.” Check out some photos and a promo.
As a bonus – two bonuses actually – more installments of the show’s companion web series, “Post Mortem with Scott Thompson,” have arrived so be sure to watch co-star Caroline Dhavernas discuss her character, her name, and Will Graham’s irresistible flaws.
She’s followed by cinematographer James Hawkinson talking about the show’s signature look, how he breaks down a script, and shooting in northern light.
NBC also just released the synopsis for the Season 2 finale, Episode 2.13, “Mizumono,” so we’ve included that as well if you’d like to know even more about what’s coming. If you’d rather not, we’ve put it at the bottom of Page 2 underneath the videos so scroll carefully.
“Hannibal” Episode 2.12 – “Tome-Wan” (airs 5/16/14; 10-11PM)
WHEN HANNIBAL’S LIFE IS THREATENED, WILL MUST DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT TO COME TO HIS AID – In a therapy session Will (Hugh Dancy) imagines how he would kill Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen), honestly sharing his visions, and oddly bolstering their co-dependency.
Later, in a session with Mason Verger (Michael Pitt), Hannibal discusses Margot’s (Katharine Isabelle) unfortunate “accident” and other veiled threats.
Jack (Laurence Fishburne) grows impatient with Will’s progress on catching Hannibal and brings in a surprise witness from the past to help, and when Hannibal’s life is threatened, Will must decide whether to come to his aid and give Hannibal the opportunity for revenge.
Guest starring Gillian Anderson as Bedelia Du Maurier, Kalen Davidson as the Wendigo, Daniel Kash as Carlo Deogracias, Bas Reitman as Tommaso, and Wayne Wells as Matteo.
For more info visit “Hannibal” on, “like” “Hannibal” on Facebook, and follow “Hannibal” on Twitter.


“Hannibal” Episode 2.13 – “Mizumono” (airs 5/23/14; 10-11PM)
THE TRAP FOR HANNIBAL HAS BEEN SET, BUT WHOSE SIDE IS WILL REALLY ON? – Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen) prepares for his imminent departure with, he believes, Will (Hugh Dancy). Will prepares for a departure of another sort, tying up loose ends, not sure if he’ll survive the trap he’s set for Hannibal.
Both men feel that Jack (Laurence Fishburne) deserves the truth, but what is that truth? Loyalties will be tested and forgiveness will be asked… and the inevitable battle between Hannibal and Jack is upon them.
Also starring Caroline Dhavernas, Aaron Abrams, Scott Thompson, Lara Jane Chorostecki, Vladamir Jon Cubrt, and Kacey Rohl.

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