Cannes Summer Camp Poster Hits The Web

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Andres Velencoso, Summer CampWe got a look at some Cannes-specific sales art for for Alberto Marini’s new flick Summer Camp today. The movie shot earlier this year and looks to be readying its release. C’mon and dig it.

Thanks to Hitfix for scoring a look and posting this one.

Summer Camp marks the directorial debut of Marini and was executive produced by [REC] franchise director Jaume Balaguero.

We still don’t have a whole lot around this movie aside from a vague concept. Summer Camp centers on three American camp counselors who show up for their summer jobs at an English-language camp in Spain and come face-to-face with a virus unlike anything seen before.

Maybe it’s a good thing that there’s still some secrecy here. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Look for more on this one soon!

Summer Camp

Summer Camp

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