Multi-format Invasion!


The Invasion DVD (click for larger image)Is it me or did The Invasion (review) sort of just breeze in and out of theatres with hardly anyone noticing? It had a pretty good cast, but the reshoots kind of made it fall into the “iffy” category for me.

In any case, if you missed its theatrical run, then your chance is coming soon to experience the Body Snatchers remake on all three video formats come January 8th according to DVD Active. The DVD, Blu-ray and HD-DVD releases will all ship with these features:

  • We’ve Been Snatched Before: Invasion in Media History documentary
  • Invasion: A New Story featurette
  • On the Set featurette
  • Invasion: Snatched
  • English Dolby Digital 5.1
  • 2.40:1 anamorphic widescreen

    Too bad there are no special features available to take advantage of the hi-def discs’ capabilities. A game where you ID the infected, maybe? So much potential there. Oh well.


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