14 Kick-Ass Fan-Made Movie Posters

Laurent Durieux
In a world with mostly generic bullshit one-sheets that people are paid a mint to crap out, we really appreciate the good posters when they come our way. It’s also not at all surprising that some of the best recent one-sheets we’ve seen have been fan-made and unofficial.
Artist Laurent Durieux has added some truly incredible takes on several of our most beloved movies, horror and otherwise, to his site; and we grabbed a quick sampling of some of our favorites and assembled them below.
It’s Friday. You’re looking for something to do. Something to kill time before the 5pm whistle. Trust us when we tell you this is time very well spent!
Bravo, Laurent! We look forward to more.
Dig on the goods below, and hit up the link for even more. You will not be sorry you did.

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