First Ghostbusters Game Screenshot!

Hot on the heels of this morning’s news that a Ghostbusters video game is in the works, we have the first screenshot thanks to Kotaku and it’s a real doozy, showing one of our long-missed and beloved Ghostbusters reverse rappelling down the side of a burning building towards Mr. Stay Puft himself, as the crowds and police watch on from below.
Its only one screenshot, but it definitely goes to show that Terminal Reality, the developers handling the 360, PS3 and PC have still got it. Aside from Bloodrayne and the Aeon Flux game, horror fans may be glad to know that they worked on Nocturne and the first Blair Witch Project game, Blair Witch Volume 1: Rustin Parr, which is still one of my favorite movie tie-in games.
With all the main cast back, and with Aykroyd and Ramis writing the story, Ghostbusters looks like it’s going to be the next best thing to a new Ghostbusters movie. Heck, given that all the cast are past their prime these days, it might even be better than a new Ghostbusters movie would be.
When we learn more about the game or get a look at the PS2, Wii and DS versions of the game (which based on how Red Fly Studios first title is shaping up, should be in good hands) you can bet your ass that we’ll be keeping things covered!
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