Cemetery Dance Releasing Douglas Clegg’s Dinner with the Cannibal Sisters this Summer

Douglas Clegg’s new novella Dinner with the Cannibal Sisters is nearly finished at the printer and will be released this summer by Cemetery Dance. We have a look at the cover art and a few of the stunning interior drawings by Caniglia.
Visit Cemetery Dance’s online store to pre-order your copy. At this time the exact publication date hasn’t been revealed, but expect to see Dinner with the Cannibal Sisters sometime during the summer of 2014.
You’re invited to dinner in this dark gem about a notorious family — and a feast like no other.
In October 1890 authorities discovered two teenaged girls at Bog Farm surrounded by a scene of unimaginable carnage. A legend grew of their cannibalistic night of terror, but young Lucy and Sally were never put to trial and no one has ever before gotten close enough to interview them.
Twenty years later an inexperienced reporter travels to their New Hampshire farm, determined to shed light upon the events of that night.
Lizzie Borden, Dr. Crippen, the Windrow Sisters — murderers whose mystique has lasted more than a century. But of them all, the tale of the Windrow girls is unrivaled in its legend of depravity and innocence corrupted.

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