Triangle Next for Severance Helmer

Today it was verified that Christopher Smith, director of Creep and Severance, two very different movies in terms of tone and attitude, will be next working on a feature called Triangle.
Daily Variety listed Smith as one of the recipients of the UK Film Council’s handout of cash to up and coming directors, being given a (somewhat paltry) $15K to further develop the story. Not that I would scoff at $15K being given to me to make a movie with, it’s just not a helluva lot in terms of funding, especially for an established director. Ah, but it is “additional funding” so I’m sure he’s going to have more than that to make Triangle a reality.
So what is Triangle about? Back in May he told STYD that the film was set primarly in the Bermuda Triangle, as would be expected: “It’s a psychological horror film set on an ocean liner,” he told the site. “Weirdly, it’s a movie that will play in time loops, like a character getting stuck in a glitch. That’s what the Bermuda Triangle is and this character has to combat her way back. It’s a slick idea that I will get bang-on right.”
Sounds like another tonal shift for the director, which is cool with me as long as he does it right. Keep it here for updates on Triangle as they come down!
Wonder what happens when you enter the Dread Central forums triangle? Only one way to find out!