New Texas Chainsaw to Explore Leatherface’s Teenage Years?

Bloody Disgusting
File this one under “Wow, Really?!?” Some quick and pretty damned strange news has come in regarding the next installment in the Texas Chainsaw franchise as it’s looking like we’re getting another prequel. A prequel to the tenth power even.
The filmmakers behind Texas Chainsaw 3D (UNRATED Blu-ray/DVD review here) were never big on mathematics, as proven by their “direct sequel” to Tobe Hooper’s seminal classic which found the ages of characters all over the place with little to nothing making sense in terms of the whens and the wheres. That is, however, another story.
Right now Bloody Disgusting is reporting that “an unidentified writer is rumored to be in talks to pen Leatherface’s ‘teenage years.’ This would mean that Dan Yeager would not be returning as the iconic chainsaw-wielding slasher, and that it would be [another] sequel to Tobe Hooper’s 1974 TCM… and a prequel to last year’s TC3D.” You follow?
Somehow this is going to really fuck up our space/time continuum. Color us befuddled. Tell us what you think about this latest development below.

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