Saw IV DVD Date
Lionsgate has announced the DVD date for Saw IV, after very little waiting on our part; January 22nd, 2008.
Of course there will be the rated and unrated versions available, just like every other previous Saw release, and stuff will be held out of it for the “director’s cut” that will inevitably be out a month or so before Saw V.
DVD Active got the art you see on the right, which is from an advertisement (duh) but expect to see some high-res art soon. According to the ad the DVD will include the “director’s diary” (Sample: “Dear Diary, Today I killed a man with a face razor trap … I think Sally likes me…”), a featurette on the traps of Saw IV as well as one for the props, commentaries and more.
Of course, fast forward eight months from this release and the same plus some more will be on the “director’s cut” release, so you make the decision which version you want to buy. Either way I’m sure this release will outsell any others the week it comes out.
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