Schreiber Does the Mambo

Like it wasn’t strange enough that there are two organ repossession movies being worked on right now, the second one is getting a much classier cast than I expected.
The first is, of course, Repo! The Genetic Opera, Darren Bousman’s long-awaited horror musical. The second is Repossession Mambo, which almost sounds like a musical as well but is actually playing the premise straight. Well, song-less, at least. This morning Daily Variety got word that Liev Schreiber has joined in on the mambo, starring alongside Forrest Whittaker and Jude Law.
Schreiber will play the boss of Law’s character, who works at a futuristic credit union to assure everyone has access to organs when they need them. Of course, if they can’t pay for them there are problems, namely that the union sends someone to get their organs back. Law spends most of the film on the run with his wife, who also has organs she can’t afford.
Miguel Sapochnik is making his directorial debut on the flick, so you know he’s psyched about such a great cast right out of the gate! Keep it here for more Repossession goodness as it crops up!
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