Exclusive: Sweatshop Cast Announced, First Pics!

We last threw an update on Stacy Davidson’s sophomore effort, Sweatshop, just over a month ago (“Exclusive: Behind the Sweatshop!” – November 2007), after which director Stacy Davidson promised he would deliver some very cool stuff in our laps soon.
True to his word, he dropped us a line today with the goods and while we were hoping for strippers (cause what fits better in one’s lap than strippers?), the official cast announcment and first pics of all the major players is a pretty good consolation prize!
For those of you who may have seen Davidson’s first film, Domain of the Damned (aka Necrophobia), most of the cast for Sweatshop will seem familiar; starring in Sweatshop is Ashley Kay who, as Davidson puts it, ”[had] so many bit appearances in “Domain” that she could literally be a drinking game”. Kay plays the lead, Charlie … of course, knowing nothing about the plot it’s hard to tell you guys what that role entrails, but I can almost guarantee she’ll get bloody at some point.
Also returning from Domain are Naika Malveaux, Krystal Freeman and Brent D. Himes. Cast members from Mel House’s Closet Space (review) are also part of Sweatshop, including Danielle Jones, Peyton Wetzel, Melanie Donihoo (the girl on the Closest Space poster).
But that’s not all, oh no; what are victims without a victimizer? ”Of course no horror cast is complete without a maniacal, bloodthirsty murderer!” Davidson told us, ”Filling the shoes of “The Beast” is Jeremy Sumrall, who many convention goers may know as proprietor of the horror merchandise boutique Necrobilia.” Looking at the man, you can see where the name comes from.
”These guys have been so much fun to work with, I sometimes have to remind myself that it is in fact work.” Davidson admitted, “Be sure to say hi to the cast if you see them on the 2008 convention circuit! We’re really looking forward to getting out there, meeting more horror fans, and showing the world the vision of insanity that is Sweatshop!”
You can start by making virtual friends with them at the official Sweatshop MySpace page. We’ll be getting more and more updates as the film nears completion, but for now satisfy your craving for imagery by checking out the rest of the cast pics below!

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