Ruins Setting Changed for the Best

Those of you who are huge fans of Scott Smith’s novel The Ruins (review) may have some issues to take with Carter Smith’s (no relation) adaptation of the book to film form.
Carter told Sci Fi Wire in a recent interview that the setting for The Ruins was changed from a simple hillside with an archaeological site to an ancient Mayan pyramid. ”When I read the book I had never really thought that much about it being, you know, ruins,” Smith told the site, ”But then, you know, reading the script, and when I really started to think about it, I was doing some research and read that 10 percent of the Mayan ruins in the world have been uncovered, and that the other 90 percent are still unexcavated and just completely overgrown. And I just thought that would actually make it a lot more interesting for when they go down into the ruins.”
Gotta admit, that does make a helluva lot of sense. The Ruins tells of six students who have to learn how to fight for their lives when what was supposed to be a simple archaeological dig in Mexico turns into something more horrific. I’ll give you a hint; it’s killer plants.
Dreamworks is set to release The Ruins on April 11th, 2008 so expect to learn more soon!
Hope your plants never attack you in the Dread Central forums!