First Shutter & Quarantine Stills

Seriously now, why is it that whenever studios release pics from their horror titles that they’re always the most boring, tell-you-nothing images they can find? I mean, if you have a movie with some ghosts and gore, at least show them off!
Below you can see the first still from Screen Gem’s Quarantine the remake of Spanish film REC (review) helmed by Poughkeepsie Tapes director John Dowdle. Though the story is about an outbreak of rabies in a small apartment complex, the picture is of the lead, Jennifer Carpenter (The Exorcism of Emily Rose) holding a microphone. How telling!

Next are two pics from Fox’s remake of Shutter (review), the original of which is pretty dull anyway. Throw Joshua Jackson and musically-qued scares in and you’ve got what will likely be yet another forgettable studio ghost movie. But at least one of the stills has an actual ghost in it!

Look for more stills from remakes in the coming weeks! How exciting!
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