Cronenberg Might Return to Horror

While critics all over have been raving about David Cronenberg’s last two films, A History of Violence and Eastern Promises, some horror fans have been wondering what happened to the Cronenberg who delivered The Fly, The Brood, Rabid and more genre-defining works to their greedy eyeballs.
Well, that Cronenberg got some new ideas and made them into what he wanted to see, and to be fair I don’t think the man’s worked on anything to date that doesn’t have some trace of horror in it. But a recent interview in Wired revealed that he’s still willing to go just a bit further with it…
“I know fans have nostalgia for the movies that they grew up with,” he told the magazine, “but to redo that would be boring. On the other hand, I wouldn’t ever rule out doing another sci-fi or horror film as a matter of course. If something came along that was intriguing and challenging, I wouldn’t hesitate.”
While it’s good to hear that he’d be back with us right away if the right idea came along, who knows what he’d define as “the right idea” at this point? Still, his latest output has been nothing short of amazing so we really have no reason to complain, do we? Click here to read the entrire intereivew on Wired!
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