BioShock to the Big Screen?

Not that it would be surprising in the least, but a new rumor about BioShock coming to the big screen found its way onto Joystiq today. The popular 2K Games videogame is about the most amazing piece of cinematic gameplay I’ve been immersed in for a long time, so the thought of seeing it made into a movie is both exciting and terrifying at the same time.
According to a source for Joystiq, a “major film production company” have been discussing the idea of a BioShock movie internally for a while now. The basic concept would be to utilize green screen to create the underwater city of Rapture, a technique that I could definitely see working if it were in the right hands.
Now here’s the scary part: BioShock has a built-in storyline, one of the best of any first person shooter I’ve ever played, so what are the chances that it’d find its way, intact, to the cinema? If history is any indication, the chances are slim, but we can hope! Just keep Paul W.S. Anderson as far way from it as possible and you’re already going down the right road.
For those who don’t have an Xbox 360 or gaming PC and have thus not experienced the awe and wonder that is BioShock, the game takes place in an alternate 1950’s where industrialist/mad genius Andrew Ryan has created a virtual Utopia for artists underwater — a massive, sprawling city called Rapture. You play a man whose plane crashes right above the now-ruined city and has to fight his way out through Splicers, men and women gone mad from genetic modification, and Little Sisters, twisted and evil little girls who are protected by golem-esque creations known as Big Daddies. The game is well worth the purchase price of both an HD television and an Xbox 360 if you ask me, but be sure to read our entire BioShock review for the full skinny.
More on the possibilities of a BioShock movie as we hear it!
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